Where does the name come from?  

The phrase, “Hah Nic Na’ Aah”, is from the Babine-Witsuwit'en language and translates to “messenger” and is used by the Wetsuweten peoples of this area. It refers to a pre-colonization form of communicating with surrounding villages. There was a messaging system that saw runners entrusted with information that was relayed to communities in the surrounding area. Messages such as deaths or feasts or calls for gatherings were relayed via word of mouth through these entrusted runners. 

Will there be support on the course?

There will be a water station at the saddle turnaround (approx. 9.2 km).  The water will be treated and sourced from a nearby mountain stream. The chemical system used will be the product “Pristine”. The volunteers will also have a first aid kit on hand. 

Important: There will be no water available at the summit. You have the option of rehydrating or reloading your bottles at the tree line water station on the way back. 

First Aid Response

There will be a first aid attendant at the start and finish line, as well as at the turnaround points for the short and long routes. There will be a roaming first aid team on the course as well. These personnel are only providing basic first aid as required (bump/abrasions/ minor cuts). 

Any injuries/issues requiring medical care of a more serious nature will be responded to by Search and Rescue (S.A.R.). As you may be aware, S.A.R. Is a volunteer response program that is community-based and dispatched on a call-out basis. Our first aid responders will determine if S.A.R. is required. They will have radios or an InReach to initiate the call-out process.

You should be aware that you will be in an isolated setting and the response time to your situation will be dependent on S.A.R. availability.   

If you have any health conditions such as allergies to wasp/bee stings, be prepared with your own Epipen response kit. During warm spells, wasps have built nests right on the trail in rock areas. It is not uncommon to have runners/hikers come off the trails with a few bites.  

Start line information

The run will start at the gathering place just off of McDonnel Lake Road. There will be plenty of parking available at the start area as well as on the road leading to the parking lot. 

There is an outhouse in the parking lot.

There is no cell service at the parking lot or on the trail you will be accessing. 

The volunteers at the summit and water station will make their way down and “sweep” the trail behind the last runners. It is strongly requested that you know your anticipated pace and start accordingly. If you are thinking you will be out there for a good part of the day, then you should start earlier so you can finish at the same time as the bulk of the participants. 

We would like the volunteers on the trail to participate in the lunch and awards ceremonies. Please take them into consideration as you plan your time.